Saving Money On Storage

3 Tips for Working with Moving Companies

If you are about to move to a new home, consider hiring movers to make it as smooth as possible. Moving companies can come in and quickly load the truck to be on the road to your new place in no time. Some companies offer services to pack and unpack as well, but if you are handling this part on your own, there are a few things your local movers want you to know.

1. Label, Label, Label

The absolute best thing you can do to help your movers is to clearly label each and every box prior to their arrival. This will allow them to know exactly where each box goes when it is time to unload at the new house. If you are having to open each box to see what contents are inside, it can make it very stressful and will take up too much time. Once a box is packed, simply write "Kitchen" or "Master Bedroom" before you consider that box completed.

2. Put Everything In A Box

Many movers would rather not carry loose items from your home to the truck. Every item you are moving needs to be placed in a box to help them quickly load the truck up. If they are having to carry out individual throw pillows or lamps, it will take way too much time for them and waste a trip that could have been spent carrying fewer boxes instead. As you are packing your boxes, try to not make each box too heavy, but rather spread out the heavy items to make the boxes easier to carry.

3. Stay Out Of The Way

On moving day, movers can be more efficient with their time if no one is in their way. Since they are carrying large and heavy items, be sure to keep all small children or pets away to avoid injuries. Make sure to have arrangements for your kids and animals to be elsewhere on moving day so they do not get in the way of the movers. These crews are trained to work efficiently and quickly, and if you are in the way it could slow them down and keep them from doing their job.

You Are Able To Relax

Moving companies are there to make your life easier and your move less stressful. As you are saying goodbye to your existing home, try to relax and enjoy the process and the transition in your life. Leave the heavy lifting to your movers, and sit back as you close one chapter of your life and begin another. To learn more about the process, contact local moving companies.
