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How To Export Products To Japan More Easily

Because Japan is one of the most developed economies in the world, it makes sense that you would want to ship your freight to Japan. In fact, Japan is one of the top trade partners of the United States. However, despite this, beginning the process of exporting to Japan can actually be very challenging. 

Filling Out the Paperwork

While Japan has many seaports, the majority of cargo into Japan travels through only a few of them. To begin exporting to Japan, you will first need to submit an import declaration. If you are not working with a Japanese importer, you will need to provide all of the documents necessary for an import declaration yourself. You will need to work with Japanese personnel who might have limited English speaking skills. 

Working With Freight Forwarding

One way to make the process of exporting to Japan easier is to work with a freight forwarding service. A specialist will monitor your shipment until it arrives. Japanese customs and duties can be complex without the help of an experienced freight forwarder. You will need help with the duty drawback system, protest preparation and filing, custom bonds, duty and tax calculation, and follow-up on liquidation. 

Getting Through Customs

Japanese customs officials are responsible for inspecting your goods. They are stored in a warehouse until the customs officials are able to inspect them. If they do not pass inspections, they are either demolished or sent back to the sender. 

Paying Taxes

Import taxes are added to your shipment and must be paid. Also, depending on what you are exporting, you may need to pay additional taxes, such as a tobacco tax. Then, your shipment will be ready for customs clearance and will be moved from the bonded area into Japan. The freight company delivers the goods to the importer.

Deciding the Mode of Transportation

Because of Japan's location, the most common way to ship goods to Japan is by sea. Sea freight is especially a good idea for shipments that are spacious or heavy. For example, if you are sending a large shipping container, it's not practical to send it by air. Shipping by sea is much slower than sending shipments another way, but if you plan your shipments to Japan well ahead of time, your exports will arrive to Japan on time and you'll have a steady flow of exports to put on the market. Shipping by sea is also more affordable.
